Friday, August 12, 2011

interview schminterpoo.

Hello, hello, friend(/self because I'm the only one who reads this). I recently had an interview(s) with the design team and marketers of the line ADAM. Though this was not as successful as planned, perhaps do to my lack of sleep while creating an entire website four hours before my interview, I at least got an actual website out of it all, do to my short-term motivation!
(I would post my website here, but we're not close enough to reveal my ENTIRE identity.)
My outfit was probably a little too weird/scared them away. So this is what I wore to my first interview:

(I like the bigger pictures better.)
Okay, let's get a move on.

GLASSES: $0.99 (plus $2.99 shipping)
YAYYY! These skull hologram babies are my new not-so-secret love affair (sorry, wedges, you are clearly still loved). Best of all, they are from ebay, another love affair of mine (I'm not a harlot, I swear).
They also get you strange looks on the street and are the perfect conversation starter with a stranger and allow for tourists and strange people to try to take pictures of you without you knowing. And it's quite possible to fake it because no one can see your eyes behind these suckers. IN LOVE.

So I got this baby blue gingham button-down at Wal-Mart and I broke out my Bedazzler from 5th grade and had a ball. I studded the collar and this is now my favorite shirt of all time. (kind of)

SWEATER: $4.00
Thrifted from my favorite thrift store of all time and the hugest thrift store I have ever been to: The Salvation Army Thrift Store in Whitehall, PA.
DOESN'T IT LOOK LIKE MISSONI?! I can assure you that it is not, but multiple people at my interview asked if it was.
I should have said yes.

BELT: $0.00
Same skinny black belt that I always wear that I think I won at a tricky tray and that I think came from Hot Topic.

SKIRT: $0.00
The greatest thing of all time is when you drive past someone's garage/yard sale that ended a few hours ago and now everything is free because they're just trying to get rid of their junk, which is actually like free gold to you, if you're a hoarder like I am.
So, basically, this skirt was free at a yard sale. It's uber 90's and even has tiny pinstripes on it, which are not visible in the picture, but I love it nonetheless.

BAG: $0.00
Gift from my mom/the only bag I had that was big enough to shove my huge portfolio into. It's from H&M and it was probably on sale. Whatevz.

SHOES: $15.00
My lovable black platform wedges from Daffy's in Herald Square, NYC.


Can't even get an ADAM tank on clearance for that price. ;)
If you've read this far, THANKS!

Stay rich (& weird),


  1. Awesome outfit. Love the styling and especially that sweater!

  2. You. Look. Amazing. Why do I not own those glasses?

  3. Thanks so much, Lydia!

  4. wow i love love love is outfit! and every other outfit you posted on your blog. holograms are the best. I have been building up my collection for a while I am trying to get my hands on a pair of the cobra snake's WWJD holograms. you just have great personal style

    Check out my blog!

  5. Aw, thank you, Paolina! Those holograms are awesome, too! Try ebay [they're a lot cheaper. Cheap is what I'm all about ;)]. Your blog is UH-MAY-ZING!
